
Version numbers comply with the Sementic Versioning Specification (SemVer).

v0.4.0 (2021-04-17)


  • Implement a new public function to revert a patch.
  • Support applying stacks of patches.
  • Include the utf-8 shebang to all source files.
  • Enforce Python 3 compatibility with the __future__ module.
  • Testing with Python versions 3.7, 3,8, and 3.9.
  • Set the __all__ attribute.
  • Make use of styling and linting tools.


  • Testing with Python version 3.3.
  • Testing of the representation outputs.


  • Update the setup file.
  • Rework the project’s metadata.
  • Shorten docstrings for non-public functions.
  • Make minor tweaks to the code.
  • Use the ‘new’ string formatting method.
  • Update the contact’s email.


  • Fix __weakref__ showing up in the doc.
  • Fix the changelog reference.

v0.3.0 (2017-01-18)


  • Add the decorator data to the public interface.
  • Add support for coverage and tox.
  • Add continuous integration with Travis and coveralls.
  • Add a few bling-bling badges to the readme.
  • Add a Makefile to regroup common actions for developers.


  • Improve the documentation.
  • Improve the unit testing workflow.
  • Remove the __slots__ attribute from the Settings and Patch classes.
  • Refocus the content of the readme.
  • Define the ‘long_description’ and ‘extras_require’ metadata to setuptools’ setup.
  • Update the documentation’s Makefile with a simpler template.
  • Rework the ‘.gitignore’ files.
  • Rename the changelog to ‘CHANGELOG’!
  • Make minor tweaks to the code.


  • Fix the settings not being properly inherited.
  • Fix the decorator data not supporting class inheritance.

v0.2.0 (2016-12-20)


  • Rewrite everything from scratch. Changes are not backwards compatible.

v0.1.0 (2014-06-29)


  • Add settings to modify the behaviour of the patching process.
  • Added a FAQ section to the doc.


  • Refactor the class ExtensionSet towards using an add() method.
  • Clean-up the Extension.__init__() method from the parameters not required to construct the class.
  • Get the ExtensionsRegistrar.register_extensions() function to return a single ExtensionSet object.
  • Make minor tweaks to the code and documentation.

v0.0.1 (2014-06-21)

  • Initial release.