Running the Tests

After making any code change in Gorilla, tests need to be evaluated to ensure that the library still behaves as expected.


Some of the commands below are wrapped into make targets for convenience, see the file Makefile.


The tests are written using Python’s built-in unittest module. They are available in the tests directory and can be fired through the tests/ file:

$ python tests/

It is possible to run specific tests by passing a space-separated list of partial names to match:

$ python tests/ ThisTestClass and_that_function

The unittest’s command line interface is also supported:

$ python -m unittest discover -s tests -v

Finally, each test file is a standalone and can be directly executed.


Test environments have been set-up with tox to allow testing Gorilla against each supported version of Python:

$ tox


The package coverage is used to help localize code snippets that could benefit from having some more testing:

$ coverage run --source gorilla -m unittest discover -s tests
$ coverage report
$ coverage html

In no way should coverage be a race to the 100% mark since it is not always meaningful to cover each single line of code. Furthermore, having some code fully covered isn’t synonym to having quality tests. This is our responsability, as developers, to write each test properly regardless of the coverage status.